Emergency Planning Brochure Published


A new publication focusing on the elderly and individuals with disabilities offers important information when planning for an emergency.

The brochure, which is available to state and local governments as well as service providers for the elderly and disabled, provides specific guidelines on what should be included in an emergency plan, including a checklist for special equipment and supplies that may be needed, medication and medical records, important contact information and a communications plan.

It covers what a caregiver may need to consider when making an emergency plan for someone with specific needs, including the visually impaired, deaf or hard of hearing, individuals with cognitive disabilities, people with assistive devices and service animals and others. Copies of the emergency brochure may be downloaded from our publications page.

The Georgia Emergency Management Agency’s Ready Georgia campaign offers additional information on planning for an emergency online at the campaign’s website comprehensive resource for emergency preparedness. The campaign’s Web site, www.ready.ga.gov – sponsored by the Georgia Department of Community Health, Division of Emergency Preparedness and Response.

The brochure was researched and written by the Georgia Coalition for Emergency Preparedness for Individuals with Disabilities and Elderly Person. Members include Georgia Emergency Management Agency, Georgia Department of Community Health, American Read Cross, Emory Center for Public Health Preparedness, the State ADA Coordinator’s Office and many other agencies and public service organizations.

For additional information and to request printed copies of the brochure, contact the State ADA Coordinator’s Office at 404.657.7313 or [email protected].