GAME Information

GAME Employment Specialist:
The State ADA Coordinator’s Office’s team is happy to announce that Feleascia “Lisa” Williams is our GAME Employment Specialist for the State of Georgia. Ms. Williams is your first point of contact regarding GAME.  If you have any initial questions regarding GAME, please email Ms. Williams at [email protected]

GAME Training Modules for HR Managers:
The State ADA Coordinator’s Office’s team has created a training schedule for State of Georgia HR Managers; however, we also encourage Agency Heads, Executive Leadership, ADA Coordinators and Legal Professionals to attend and familiarize themselves with the different components and requirements of GAME. HR Managers are strongly encouraged to attend all 4 training modules. There are 4 different training modules, with the first module being offered in March 2025. 

The training schedule is below:

Module 1: Be a GAME Changer! – This training will consist of the requirements of GAME, the schedule of trainings, the survey tool, and the report that will be submitted to the Governor’s Office.  This training will be offered virtually on March 12th, 19th and 26th, 2025 from 1:00 pm to 2:30 pm. To register for one of the three Module 1 training sessions offered via Zoom, please visit:  

Module 2: ADA Title I and the Interactive Process –  This training will consist of the mandates of Title I of the ADA, the interactive process, and best practices when recruiting, hiring, and retaining individuals with disabilities as employees. This training will be offered on April 9th, 16th and 23rd, 2025 from 1:00 pm to 2:30 pm. To register for one of the three Module 2 training sessions offered via Zoom, please visit: 

Module 3: Federal Laws, Rules, Regulations, and Guidance that Impact GAME – This training will consist of the new federal regulations and workplace guidance that impacts GAME. This training will be offered virtually on May 7th, 4th and 21st, 2025 from 1:00 pm to 2:30 pm. To register for one of the three Module 3 training sessions offered via Zoom, please visit:

Module 4: Emergency Evacuation Evaluations and Disability-Inclusive Procedures – This training will consist of best practices as they pertain to conducting emergency evacuation evaluations and creating disability-inclusive procedures. This training will be offered virtually on June 10th, 17th and 24th, 2025 from 1:00 pm to 2:30 pm. To register for one of the three Module 4 training sessions offered via Zoom, please visit:

GAME Survey Tool:

At the end of this fiscal year all State of Georgia agency HR representatives, who have been designated as their agency’s GAME contact, will receive an electronic survey tool to complete on behalf of their agency. The survey tool will assess each agency’s (for fiscal year 2025):

-ADA Accommodation Policy as it relates to employees and applicants for employment,

-ADA Public Notice,

-ADA Grievance Procedure,

-Emergency Evacuation Plan and available resources to provide  assistance needed to employees with disabilities in the event of an emergency evacuation,

-Statistics regarding the number of individuals with disabilities employed within all of each agency’s offices, divisions, and locations during the most recent fiscal year,

-Statistics regarding the ADA Title I related training conducted and received by HR Managers,

-Website(s), mobile application(s) and job announcements accessibility, AND

-An analysis of the barriers in existing employment-related policies, practices, and procedures and the adoption of strategies to address such barriers to increase the recruitment, hiring, retention, and promotion of individuals with disabilities

The survey tool will have a strict deadline for completion by each agency HR representative (Friday, August 29th, 2025). Failure to complete the survey prior to the deadline will result in the agency’s information not being included in the report to the Governor’s Office.

On or before December 15th, 2025 (and on or before December 15th of each year subsequent) the State ADA Coordinator’s Office will submit a report to the Governor, the President of the Senate, the Speaker of the House of Representatives, and the Chairpersons of the Senate Insurance and Labor Committee and the House Committee on Industry and Labor outlining all of the information gathered in the State Agency Survey Tool.