Steven R. Jones, AIA
Assistant State ADA Coordinator/Senior ADA Architect

Steven R. Jones is the Assistant State ADA Coordinator/Senior ADA Architect for the State ADA Coordinator’s Office. Mr. Jones provides technical assistance and training on issues of accessibility in the built environment to all State of Georgia entities, local Code enforcement officials, design professionals, property owners and the general public. Mr. Jones also manages the Statewide ADA Facilities Improvement Program, which is a Georgia General Obligation Bond for State Agencies to assist in program accessibility accommodations in their existing facilities. He joined the ADA Coordinator’s Office Team in October 2013 and had spent prior six years with the Georgia Department of Corrections managing a variety of programs including those relating to accessibility. Mr. Jones is a 1982 Graduate of the University of Kansas and is a registered
architect in Colorado, Wisconsin, and Georgia. Steve is also a member of the American Institute of Architects, a Georgia State Inspector for Accessibility, a member of the National Fire Protection Association and International Code Council, and a Certified ADA Coordinator.